In the time that it takes you to read this sentence, some 13,000 orders for Coca-Cola are being placed. But believe it or not, the world’s most popular drink — 245 million orders per day, according to company publicists — got its start in life as a tonic, the concoction of Dr John Smith Pemberton of Atlanta. In 1886, Dr Smith was already producing a number of medicines, including something called the French Wine of Coca, a tonic. When he came up with the formula for Coca-Cola, he was trying to put together a remedy for headaches and exhaustion. The existing Coca product was to be the base, the wine was to be eliminated, the sugar content increased and caffeine and acid added.Oils were added, too, because the original was a bitter brew. Still, something was missing when the new product went on sale in an Atlanta pharmacy. A clerk, instructed to mix the syrup with ice and water, provided missing ingredient when he misunderstood the instructions and mixed it with carbonated water.Of such mistake are legends born and fortunes made. Coca-Cola hasn’t missed a dividend since 1893.
Mistakes are going to be made in every endeavour. Expect them — but learn from them too.
Have A Great Day and A Great Week Ahead..