Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Personal Worth

He took the valuable instrument from the case, tuned it for a moment and began to play. The music was magnificent, but to the majority of those present it was indistinguishable from the earlier selection. When he had concluded, the violinist spoke again, “Friends,” he said, “so much had been said about the value of this violin in my hands that I wanted to impress upon you the fact that the music is not in the instrument. It is in the one who plays upon it.”
Each one of us must always remember that each one of us as a person is more important than anything that we say or do. All that we say or do carries less than 10 per cent weight as compared to what we are. What we are carries the remaining 90 per cent weight!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Quotes for a day(22-Mar-10)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Wisdom Evergreen

to bend all energies to one point,
and to go directly to that point,
looking neither to the right nor to the left...
your smile may be a pearl for some people, and
your presence might be the desire of the one who loves you dearly.
So value yourself!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Be A Happiness Manufacturer

But she was having a most unpleasant time with herself. She openly criticized everything: the car as being dingy and drafty, the service as being abominable, and the food as being unpalatable. Her husband, who seemed to know his wife rather well, in contrast, was a genial, affable, easy-going and adaptable person. He seemed a bit embarrassed by his wife’s critical attitude and somewhat disappointed too, because they were on a pleasure trip. In order to change the conversation, the man turned to Peale. Asked what business he was in, he informed him that he was a lawyer. And with a grain, he added, “My wife is in the manufacturing business.” Peale was surprised because she did not in the least look the type, so he asked, “What does she manufacture?” “Unhappiness,” the man replied, “she manufactures her own unhappiness!’ |
Monday, March 15, 2010
Know God Within U

God is always seen as a protector, because we have images of Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva with weapons in their hands. So, we think that God being with us means, God being with us with all his weapons and ammunitions to give us all the protection, and then we can fight with anyone. If this is your definition of God, then you are still in the kindergarten class of spirituality. The kindergarten schools are meant for small children to play. They are not taught, they are not educated, they just play and enjoy. Everything evolves. One day, a seed evolves into a flower, similarly, the mind too has to evolve; it really needs to go into deep, to know, to understand, to experience who God is. This cannot be understood theoretically, because when theories are used to make point, there will always be other theories to counter those points, to oppose those points. To know ‘what God is’ you will have to move within, you will have to take out time for yourself. Before you start your office job or before you indulge in your worldly activities, schedule a time slot when you can be with yourself. The best way to be with oneself is meditation. A good meditation will help you to find God. Of course, you cannot see God. You cannot make him an object of your appreciation. But you can be one with God. The more meditative you become, the more you feel closer to God. And then this closeness one day will end into merging with God. Being one with God and not being a person who is just viewing God. – Courtesy: Soul Curry Magazine |
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Attitude Matters

-DPublish Postr Viktor E. Frankl
– Tiger Woods
Have A Wonderful Day.
Friday, March 5, 2010
It Matters in Life
A young man and a young lady were seated at a table in a small and little-known restaurant in Paris. It was evident that they were on their honeymoon, from the loving glances they gave each other. When the time came to lock the door, the groom discovered to his despair that he had been pick-pocketed of his purse. He described his plight to the waiter, who in turn called the proprietor. The owner was struck with something in the appearance of the young man that made him say, “Young man, it is all right. Do you have money to get home?” The young groom’s embarrassment grew as he confessed he had not a single coin with him. The owner reached in his pocket and gave the grateful groom some money, as he stammered words of appreciation, and said, “Sir, you will not regret this. Someday I will make you and your café world famous!” “I want nothing but my money back,” declared the proprietor of the café.Some years later the recipient of this charity wrote an operetta, the famous MERRY WINDOW. In it is a song called the CAFÉ MAXIM. It made that obscure Paris restaurant world famous. Certainly the proprietor, Eugene Cornuche, never regretted that he had helped Franz Lehar, the composer and his bride!
If only each one of us realized that a drop of water given to a thirsty person is worthy of unimaginable reward! Genuine charity does not evaluate an action by its bigness or smallness. It evaluates it as an act of love, an act that makes us discover the greatest good: God himself