The best activities for stimulating the growth of brain cells are those that inspire nerve cells to activate additional circuits. Try these simple tricks
– Self–improvement
Thoughts,Views,Experiences,stories in my journey
The best activities for stimulating the growth of brain cells are those that inspire nerve cells to activate additional circuits. Try these simple tricks
– Self–improvement
All the five children in a family were well settled. They had attended Business, Management and Medical schools, and has businesses and clinics of their own. Their mother was once asked how she had inspired them. She explained that several people had embarrassed her by asking her the same question, when in fact she felt that she had done very little. She had never insisted that her children do their homework; neither did she scold them when their report cards showed low grades. It was rather the children who loved each other so much that they had set high standards for themselves and checked on one another; that made the difference. She recalled an incident when her daughter showed her the report card with less than the expected marks. The mother placed it aside without comment. When the girl’s older brother saw it, however, he called her aside and gave her a pep talk about maintaining family standards. As a consequence, there was a dramatic increase on her grades in the next text. She loved her brother so much to let him down. A Good Family is like a cricket team – with Mum pitching, Dad catching, the kids fielding and everyone taking a turn at bat. – Mirrors for the Heart TOMORROW Two wise men, walking down the road of Time, saw Tomorrow approaching dimly in the distance. They shouted, “Tell us, Tomorrow, what are you like? Shall we fear you or feast you? Tomorrow answered, “Come to me neither with anxiety nor with procrastination, but with faith and hope and Today’s work well done. You cannot know what I am like, but you shall see me through the eyes of what you are.” Happy Weeekend!!!! |