The most destructive habit: Worry
The greatest joy: Giving
The greatest loss: The loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work: Helping others.
The ugliest personality trait: Selfishness.
The most engendered species: Dedicated leaders.
Our greatest natural resource: Our youth.
The greatest ‘shot in arm’: Encouragement.
The greatest problem to overcome: Fear.
The most effective sleeping pill: Peace of mind.
The most crippling disease: Excuses.
The most powerful force in life: Love.
The most dangerous person: A gossiper.
The world’s most incredible computer: The brain.
The worst thing to be without: Hope.
The deadliest weapon: The tongue.
The two most power-filled words: I can.
The greatest asset: Faith.
The most worthless emotion: Self-pity.
The most beautiful attire: Smile.
The most priced possession: Integrity.
The most powerful channel of communication: Prayer.
The most important thing in life: God.
– Courtesy: MCDS Newsletter
Let Go
To let go means not to care for,but to care about,
To let go means not to fix,but to nurture.
To let go means not to meddle in arranging every outcome,but to allow other to affecttheir own destinies.
To let go means not to deny but to accept.
To let go means not to regret the past,but to live in the present andlook forward to the furture.
to let go is to fear less and love more.
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