Sunday, June 6, 2010

An Eye opener

During the Second World War, Winston Churchill was explaining to a prominent Frenchman why the British were so inactive and unwilling to fight. “We are like a lobster,” he said. “At certain times of its life, the lobster loses its protective shell. During that period of moulting, even the bravest lobster hides away in a crevice in a rock. He waits there patiently for his new shell to grow. As soon as it is hard enough, he will come out and fight with anybody.”
“Well, England at this moment, due to some of its imprudent ministers, has lost its protective shell. So we just have to grow a new one. A time like this is not wise for action. Our time will come, when we have grown back to our shell and are strong.” The lesson we need to learn from this discourse is that it is sometimes wiser to run away than to stay. If certain circumstances always make you angry, avoid them. If certain friends always make you do evil shun them. Courage is not recklessness. There is no virtue in running risks that are not worth it. God’s grace is not meant to protect the foolish but the prudent.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful message Jaison...we need to wait for the best opportunity in our life to succeed the endeavor what we have in our thought..Wait and attack is the best policy...

    "If certain friends always make you do evil shun them." - I LIKE THIS LINE VERY MUCH AND ITS 100 % WE NEED TO FOLLOW...
