Thursday, September 23, 2010



Few People are at peace with themselves. The technologically advanced society seems to contribute nothing to establish inner peace. We have sensations of fear, ailments, frustration and worry. Trials will be always with us. learn to forget the old ones and deal with those that keep cropping up by taking the following steps:
==> Be calm. Try to understand yourself and understand others. it will be easier if you lessen the tension of life by noAdd Imaget expecting too much from yourself and from others.
And when you feel upset by some difficulties: Face up to them,
Take a hard look at yourself. Keep cool. learn to hide your aches and pains under a pleasant smile.
==> Be realistic. Avoid the illusion that if this hadn't happened, you would have had a more peaceful life. don't blame someone else for your unhappiness. inner peace is only found when you realize that you must change yourself.
==> Forgive and forget. The real trick is not to forget the past, but to learn from the past and try to use it to help yourself and others.
==> Let it be. it is another releaser closely related to letting go of the past. if you feel irritated, just let the feeling of irritation be there, neither encouraging nor discouraging it. it will diminish.

-From the book "Living the Marvel of Life"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wisdom Evergreen thought....

Pong was a great perfectionist but had a typical nature of doing everything at the eleventh hour. He used to give all the assignments at the last minute and abuse people for not doing them perfectly. Once he decided to go on a tour. As usual he found that he had not enough stock of cloths. He went to the tailor and told him, "Exactly within two hours you have to prepare my clothes. By evening i will collect them. And i am a perfectionist, so put aside all your other works." The tailor said, "Okay - but have you had a look at the world?" Pong asked, "What do you mean?" The tailor said, "God created this world. do you see the mess? i can make your clothes in two hours, but they will be all in a mess. it is up to you to choose." Pong said, "You are right." And saluted the old tailor.

Success in Work:
There are ten simple but great wands of success in work:
1. DeSiRe to make things better.
2. AlErTNESS wide open to everything.
3. iNTErEST in digging below the surface.
4. CUriOSiTY in constant enquiry.
5. THOUGHTFUlNESS in thorough understanding.
6. CONCENTrATiON to explore matters in depth.
7. APPliCATiON of effort.
8. PATiENCE to study work in detail.

9. OPTiMiSM in believing in youself.
10. COOPERATION with others.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just Do your Best

The great field commander of World War II General Omar N. Bradley said that during the Normandy invasion in 1944 he was often awakened during the night by the noise of tanks and trucks passing under his window, without knowing whether they would be their own or the enemy's. "What did you do?" he was asked. "Why, i went back to sleep," replied the General. "if my plans were working, they were our tanks, and if my plans had failed, i knew i had done my best and there was nothing more to do." In whatever field we find ourselves we should try to do our best, and then leave the issue to God. As one friend put it long ago: Worry is like a rocking chair - it will give you something to do but it won't get you anywhere.

- "Today is Ours"

Friday, September 17, 2010

Our Life Our Choice...

Spontaneity and unpredictability can be powerful weapons in psychological combat and survival. When you employ this tool, the other party cannot anticipate your moves, and hence, cannot plan your actions accordingly. in their hurry to outsmart you, they won't see the obvious. You can use this predicament skilfully to obtain the outcome desired by you.
remember, logic/reasoning doesn't always work with everyone. Be sharp enough to identify the psychological need of the other person whom you are trying to convince with all the valid reasons and evidence in the world. Once you realize it doesn't work, dispassionately switch over to other strategies that work under the circumstances. Surely, you must recognize and accept the fact that you can't all your encounters with logic alone. This way, you prevent yourself from being victimized further. Sometimes, the consequences are more important than mere winning.
The elements of shock and surprise should be used to their maximum magnitude in the very first instant for full impact. For all you know, there may not be a second chance!
Playing dumb is perfectly acceptable when it aids you in getting what you desire, or when your smartness is getting into trouble.

- Dr Nikita Davidson

True Knowledge is the process of becoming conscious of others.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

To Ponder Over Thoughts

  • Do you wake up excited to face another day?
  • Are you interested in your work, and are you involved in it with intensity, energy and zeal?
  • Are you doing what you would choose to do, were you to make a completely fresh start?
  • Are you committing your time to activities you enjoy?
  • Are you eager to meet new people, and are you ready
  • and prepared to confront various challenges that you may face in your workplace, family and social circle? For one to live a happy and fulfilled life, the answer to these questions needs to be an enthusiastic YES. Otherwise, you are dragging yourself about performing tasks which don't really interest you.
    So, if you wake up in the morning and feel as if you don't want to get out of bed, you should take responsibility for that feeling and ask yourself what it is you are running away from and deal with the situation.
    Once you get rid of those 'unsolved mysteries', you will find that you have regained your lost enthusiasm and your life will be much more enjoyable. The avoidance of expected pain or imagined confrontations translates into a mediocre existence lacking in joy and vitality. Your level of vibrancy will be very much different when you affirm and practice an enthusiastic and responsive approach to life

    - Self-improvement.

    Good Morning..Have A Great Day.....