Pong was a great perfectionist but had a typical nature of doing everything at the eleventh hour. He used to give all the assignments at the last minute and abuse people for not doing them perfectly. Once he decided to go on a tour. As usual he found that he had not enough stock of cloths. He went to the tailor and told him, "Exactly within two hours you have to prepare my clothes. By evening i will collect them. And i am a perfectionist, so put aside all your other works." The tailor said, "Okay - but have you had a look at the world?" Pong asked, "What do you mean?" The tailor said, "God created this world. do you see the mess? i can make your clothes in two hours, but they will be all in a mess. it is up to you to choose." Pong said, "You are right." And saluted the old tailor.
Success in Work: There are ten simple but great wands of success in work: 1. DeSiRe to make things better. 2. AlErTNESS wide open to everything. 3. iNTErEST in digging below the surface. 4. CUriOSiTY in constant enquiry. 5. THOUGHTFUlNESS in thorough understanding. 6. CONCENTrATiON to explore matters in depth. 7. APPliCATiON of effort. 8. PATiENCE to study work in detail. 9. OPTiMiSM in believing in youself. 10. COOPERATION with others.
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