Sunday, August 22, 2010

U have within u right now

It is difficult to put him into the category of a saint or a social activist or even as a combination of the two. He is only one of his kind, so it becomes all the more difficult to compare him with anyone else in the world. His spirit of sacrifice and service was so high that he forgot his own worries and strived for the betterment of the underprivileged and the needy. He is Baba Amte, a person who lived so that the other too may live better.
Baba Amte was born in Hinganghat, Wardha district, Maharashtra on 24 december 1914. Even as a child, he was compassionate towards his servants and the lower classes. He studied law and set up practice in Wardha, which soon flourished.
Destiny beckons people through ways strange. 1n 1942 he witnessed the plight of a poor leper in Warora and that changed his course of life. He gave up his profession and began to work for the uplift of the poor and the downtrodden. In 1949, Baba Amte founded Anandvan for the rehabilitation of lepers who were shunned by society. This soon became a self-sufficient centre with its own university, hospital, technical units, orphanage, dairy and farmlands.
Due to his tireless work among the underprivileged he suffered from Spondylosis. In 2007, he was diagnosed with leukemia. The flame that burned with the love for the lowly was doused on February 9, 2008.

Let Him

Who seeks PLEASURE, let him receive.
Who seeks HAPPINESS, let him give.
Who seeks SATISFACTION, let him achieve.
Who seeks JOY, let him serve.
Who seeks GROWTH, let him think.
Who seeks KNOWLEDGE, let him study.
Who seeks WISDOM, let him meditate.
Who seeks SUCCESS, let him prepare.
Who seeks EXCELLENCE, let him sacrifice.
Who seeks PERFECTION, let him persist.
Who seeks CONTENTMENT, let him trust.
Who seeks FRIENDSHIP, let him care.
Who seeks TRUTH, let him search.
Who seeks GREATNESS, let him dare.
Who seeks FULFILMENT, let him love.
Who seeks FORGIVENESS, let him forgive.
Who seeks PEACE, let him pray.

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