Friday, October 22, 2010

Discovering ourselves

The best activities for stimulating the growth of brain cells are those that inspire nerve cells to activate additional circuits. Try these simple tricks
  1. Practise using both hands at once. Bounce two balls, stir two cups of tea. Try throwing two wads of paper at a basket, one overhand and one underhand simultaneously.
  2. Think up 25 uses for a toothpick or elastic band.
  3. Do math problems in your head instead of on a calculator.
  4. Decide to learn one new word a day.
  5. Write a set of instructions for an everyday task, such as tying your shoelaces.
  6. Use your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, eat or make-up. Or pick things up with your feet.
  7. Close your eyes and move around your home. Concentrate on how you sense the presence of furniture or other people. Navigate by listening, smelling, even feeling different air temperatures.
  8. Look inside your wardrobe for a few minutes, then shut the door. Make a descriptive list of everything inside. How much did you remember? You can try this with a painting or photograph.
  9. Shake up one routine each day. Take a new route to home, a new sport instead of your normal workout.
  • – Self–improvement

    Why is the Body Warm?
    In order for the body to carry on its functions efficiently it needs energy. This energy is obtained through a process called combustion. The fuel for the combustion is the food that we take in. The result of the combustion is mild, exactly regulated warmth. There are substances in the body whose job it is to combine oxygen with the fuel in an orderly, regulated way.
    The body maintains an average temperature regardless of what is going on outside. This is done by the centre in the brain known as the temperature centre, which consists of three parts: a control centre which regulates the temperature of the blood, one that raises the temperature of the blood when it drops, and a third that cools the blood when the temperature is too high.

    Thursday, October 14, 2010

    From Mirrors For the Heart

    All the five children in a family were well settled. They had attended Business, Management and Medical schools, and has businesses and clinics of their own. Their mother was once asked how she had inspired them.
    She explained that several people had embarrassed her by asking her the same question, when in fact she felt that she had done very little. She had never insisted that her children do their homework; neither did she scold them when their report cards showed low grades.
    It was rather the children who loved each other so much that they had set high standards for themselves and checked on one another; that made the difference. She recalled an incident when her daughter showed her the report card with less than the expected marks. The mother placed it aside without comment. When the girl’s older brother saw it, however, he called her aside and gave her a pep talk about maintaining family standards. As a consequence, there was a dramatic increase on her grades in the next text. She loved her brother so much to let him down.
    A Good Family is like a cricket team – with Mum pitching, Dad catching, the kids fielding and everyone taking a turn at bat.

    – Mirrors for the Heart


    Two wise men, walking down the road of Time, saw Tomorrow approaching dimly in the distance. They shouted, “Tell us, Tomorrow, what are you like? Shall we fear you or feast you? Tomorrow answered, “Come to me neither with anxiety nor with procrastination, but with faith and hope and Today’s work well done. You cannot know what I am like, but you shall see me through the eyes of what you are.”

    Happy Weeekend!!!!

    Thursday, September 23, 2010



    Few People are at peace with themselves. The technologically advanced society seems to contribute nothing to establish inner peace. We have sensations of fear, ailments, frustration and worry. Trials will be always with us. learn to forget the old ones and deal with those that keep cropping up by taking the following steps:
    ==> Be calm. Try to understand yourself and understand others. it will be easier if you lessen the tension of life by noAdd Imaget expecting too much from yourself and from others.
    And when you feel upset by some difficulties: Face up to them,
    Take a hard look at yourself. Keep cool. learn to hide your aches and pains under a pleasant smile.
    ==> Be realistic. Avoid the illusion that if this hadn't happened, you would have had a more peaceful life. don't blame someone else for your unhappiness. inner peace is only found when you realize that you must change yourself.
    ==> Forgive and forget. The real trick is not to forget the past, but to learn from the past and try to use it to help yourself and others.
    ==> Let it be. it is another releaser closely related to letting go of the past. if you feel irritated, just let the feeling of irritation be there, neither encouraging nor discouraging it. it will diminish.

    -From the book "Living the Marvel of Life"

    Wednesday, September 22, 2010

    Wisdom Evergreen thought....

    Pong was a great perfectionist but had a typical nature of doing everything at the eleventh hour. He used to give all the assignments at the last minute and abuse people for not doing them perfectly. Once he decided to go on a tour. As usual he found that he had not enough stock of cloths. He went to the tailor and told him, "Exactly within two hours you have to prepare my clothes. By evening i will collect them. And i am a perfectionist, so put aside all your other works." The tailor said, "Okay - but have you had a look at the world?" Pong asked, "What do you mean?" The tailor said, "God created this world. do you see the mess? i can make your clothes in two hours, but they will be all in a mess. it is up to you to choose." Pong said, "You are right." And saluted the old tailor.

    Success in Work:
    There are ten simple but great wands of success in work:
    1. DeSiRe to make things better.
    2. AlErTNESS wide open to everything.
    3. iNTErEST in digging below the surface.
    4. CUriOSiTY in constant enquiry.
    5. THOUGHTFUlNESS in thorough understanding.
    6. CONCENTrATiON to explore matters in depth.
    7. APPliCATiON of effort.
    8. PATiENCE to study work in detail.

    9. OPTiMiSM in believing in youself.
    10. COOPERATION with others.

    Sunday, September 19, 2010

    Just Do your Best

    The great field commander of World War II General Omar N. Bradley said that during the Normandy invasion in 1944 he was often awakened during the night by the noise of tanks and trucks passing under his window, without knowing whether they would be their own or the enemy's. "What did you do?" he was asked. "Why, i went back to sleep," replied the General. "if my plans were working, they were our tanks, and if my plans had failed, i knew i had done my best and there was nothing more to do." In whatever field we find ourselves we should try to do our best, and then leave the issue to God. As one friend put it long ago: Worry is like a rocking chair - it will give you something to do but it won't get you anywhere.

    - "Today is Ours"

    Friday, September 17, 2010

    Our Life Our Choice...

    Spontaneity and unpredictability can be powerful weapons in psychological combat and survival. When you employ this tool, the other party cannot anticipate your moves, and hence, cannot plan your actions accordingly. in their hurry to outsmart you, they won't see the obvious. You can use this predicament skilfully to obtain the outcome desired by you.
    remember, logic/reasoning doesn't always work with everyone. Be sharp enough to identify the psychological need of the other person whom you are trying to convince with all the valid reasons and evidence in the world. Once you realize it doesn't work, dispassionately switch over to other strategies that work under the circumstances. Surely, you must recognize and accept the fact that you can't all your encounters with logic alone. This way, you prevent yourself from being victimized further. Sometimes, the consequences are more important than mere winning.
    The elements of shock and surprise should be used to their maximum magnitude in the very first instant for full impact. For all you know, there may not be a second chance!
    Playing dumb is perfectly acceptable when it aids you in getting what you desire, or when your smartness is getting into trouble.

    - Dr Nikita Davidson

    True Knowledge is the process of becoming conscious of others.

    Sunday, September 12, 2010

    To Ponder Over Thoughts

  • Do you wake up excited to face another day?
  • Are you interested in your work, and are you involved in it with intensity, energy and zeal?
  • Are you doing what you would choose to do, were you to make a completely fresh start?
  • Are you committing your time to activities you enjoy?
  • Are you eager to meet new people, and are you ready
  • and prepared to confront various challenges that you may face in your workplace, family and social circle? For one to live a happy and fulfilled life, the answer to these questions needs to be an enthusiastic YES. Otherwise, you are dragging yourself about performing tasks which don't really interest you.
    So, if you wake up in the morning and feel as if you don't want to get out of bed, you should take responsibility for that feeling and ask yourself what it is you are running away from and deal with the situation.
    Once you get rid of those 'unsolved mysteries', you will find that you have regained your lost enthusiasm and your life will be much more enjoyable. The avoidance of expected pain or imagined confrontations translates into a mediocre existence lacking in joy and vitality. Your level of vibrancy will be very much different when you affirm and practice an enthusiastic and responsive approach to life

    - Self-improvement.

    Good Morning..Have A Great Day.....

    Sunday, August 22, 2010

    U have within u right now

    It is difficult to put him into the category of a saint or a social activist or even as a combination of the two. He is only one of his kind, so it becomes all the more difficult to compare him with anyone else in the world. His spirit of sacrifice and service was so high that he forgot his own worries and strived for the betterment of the underprivileged and the needy. He is Baba Amte, a person who lived so that the other too may live better.
    Baba Amte was born in Hinganghat, Wardha district, Maharashtra on 24 december 1914. Even as a child, he was compassionate towards his servants and the lower classes. He studied law and set up practice in Wardha, which soon flourished.
    Destiny beckons people through ways strange. 1n 1942 he witnessed the plight of a poor leper in Warora and that changed his course of life. He gave up his profession and began to work for the uplift of the poor and the downtrodden. In 1949, Baba Amte founded Anandvan for the rehabilitation of lepers who were shunned by society. This soon became a self-sufficient centre with its own university, hospital, technical units, orphanage, dairy and farmlands.
    Due to his tireless work among the underprivileged he suffered from Spondylosis. In 2007, he was diagnosed with leukemia. The flame that burned with the love for the lowly was doused on February 9, 2008.

    Let Him

    Who seeks PLEASURE, let him receive.
    Who seeks HAPPINESS, let him give.
    Who seeks SATISFACTION, let him achieve.
    Who seeks JOY, let him serve.
    Who seeks GROWTH, let him think.
    Who seeks KNOWLEDGE, let him study.
    Who seeks WISDOM, let him meditate.
    Who seeks SUCCESS, let him prepare.
    Who seeks EXCELLENCE, let him sacrifice.
    Who seeks PERFECTION, let him persist.
    Who seeks CONTENTMENT, let him trust.
    Who seeks FRIENDSHIP, let him care.
    Who seeks TRUTH, let him search.
    Who seeks GREATNESS, let him dare.
    Who seeks FULFILMENT, let him love.
    Who seeks FORGIVENESS, let him forgive.
    Who seeks PEACE, let him pray.

    Friday, August 13, 2010

    சுதந்திர தினம்

    சுதந்திர தினம்

    தனியார் தொலைகாட்சிகள் புதிய படங்களையும் நடிகர் நடிகைகள் பற்றியும் போட்டிபோட்டுஒளிபரப்புகின்றன.. கைபேசி நிறுவனகளின் recharge offers ...என பல வகைகளில் வணிக மயமான நாள்.. எனக்கு என் பள்ளி பருவ நாட்கள் சிந்தனைகள் ..பள்ளியில் சுதந்திர தின விழா முடிந்து வீட்டிறகு வந்தவுடன் நண்பர்கள் சேர்ந்து பக்கத்தில் உள்ள சின்ன இடத்தில் கம்பு வூன்றி கொடி பறக்க விடும் நாட்களை நினவில் வைத்து அந்த சமயத்துல இருந்த தேச பற்று இன்று என்னில் காணமல் போய் விடததோனு நினைகிறேன்...
    நண்பனுக்கு போன் அடிதனே..."இன்னிக்கு ப்ராஜெக்ட் ரிலீஸ் மச்சான்..நோ freedom டு மீ " ..
    அயன் பண்ணின துணிகளை வாங்க போனனே ...அயன் பண்ற வயது முடித்த ஒரு பெரியவர் " என்ன தம்பி ...அன்னிக்கு வெள்ளக்கரங்களுக்கு அடிமையா இருந்தோம்..இன்னிக்கு அரசியல் தலைவர்களுக்கும் அதிகாரிகளுக்கும் எங்கள மாதிரி லோ மிடில் கிளாஸ் எல்லாம் அடிமைய இருக்கோம் " அவர் சொல்வதில் நியாயம் ...இன்று ஒரு தனி மனிதன் பல விசயங்களில் அடிமையாக மாறுகிறான் என்பது உணமைதான் .. பணமும் அதிகாரமும் சர்வாதிகாரியாக ...

    சேரன் சில வருடங்களுக்கு முன் இயக்கிய தேசிய கீதம் படத்தில் வருவது போல நிறைய பேருக்கு அழைப்பு கொடுத்ததும் அன்று ஒரு நாளாவது கொடி வணக்கம் செய்ய இன்று நேரம் இல்லாத அளவுக்கு அவசர உலகில் இருக்கிறோம்..குறைந்தது விடுதலை போரட்ட தியாகிகளை நினைத்து பார்க்க இன்றைய மீடியாக்கள் வழி வகை செய்ய வில்லை... நல்ல வேலை நான் புதிதாக சேர்ந்த நிறுவனத்தில் கொடி வணக்கம் இருந்தது..முன் பனி புரிந்த நிறுவனத்தில் கடந்த வருடம் இது போல் இல்லை... தனியார் நிறுவனங்கள் எல்லாம் பள்ளி கல்லூரி போல கொடி வணக்கம் தேசிய பண்டிகைகளை கொடி வணக்கம் செலுத்த முன் வரவேண்டும்.. இல்லாவிடில் வரும் தலை முறை தொலைகாட்சிகளில் அரை குறை ஆடையுடன் நடிகை கொடுக்கும் பேட்டியை பார்த்து இதுதான் சுதந்திரம் என நினைக்க் கூடும்...

    பாரதி எழுதிய கவிதை வரிகளுடன் இந்த சின்ன கட்டுரையை முடிக்கிறேன்

    வெள்ளிப் பனிமலையின் மீதுலவு வோம் - அடி
    மேலைக் கடல்முழுதும் கப்பல் விடுவோம்
    பள்ளித் தலமனைத்தும் கோயில் செய்கு வோம், எங்கள்
    பாரத தேசமென்று தோள்கொட்டுவோம். (பாரத) 1

    சிங்களத் தீவினுக்கோர் பாலம் அமைப்போம்,
    சேதுவை மேடுறுத்தி வீதி சமைப்போம்
    வங்கத்தில் ஓடிவரும் நீரின் மிகையால்
    மையத்து நாடுகளில் பயிர்செய்குவோம். (பாரத) 2

    வெட்டுக் கனிகள் செய்து தங்கம் முதலாம்
    வேறு பலபொருளும் குடைந் தெடுப்போம்,
    எட்டுத் திசைகளிலுஞ் சென்றிவை விற்றே
    எண்ணும் பொருளனைத்தும் கொண்டு வருவோம்

    வாழ்க பாரதம்....வளர்க நம் ஒற்றுமை..

    Thursday, August 12, 2010

    Accept when we are wrong.

    A funny story is told about General George Patton from his World War II days. He once accepted an invitation to dine at a press camp in Africa. Wine was served in canteen cups, but, obviously thinking he was served coffee, Patton poured cream into his cup. As he stirred in sugar, Patton was warned that his cup contained red wine and not coffee.
    Now, General Patton could never, never be wrong. Without hesitating he replied, “I know, I like my wine this way.” And he drank it!
    This funny anecdote relates a tendency that is found in many of us. It is difficult to admit mistakes. It is hard to admit when we are wrong. Three of life’s most difficult words to say are. “I was wrong.” But they are also three of the most powerful words we can utter. “I was wrong” breaks down barriers between people. It brings estranged people together. And it creates a climate where intimacy and love may flourish. You may be surprised at how positively many people respond to the words, “I was wrong”! Naturally, it is a risk. But to admit when you are wrong is not to confess that you are a “bad” person but simply an honest one. And true friends will appreciate you for it. Whole and happy lives are built by people who have learned the power of intimacy, in part, through the
    the use of the words
    “I was wrong.”

    Have A Wonderful Day and Wonderful Weekend Ahead...

    Tuesday, August 10, 2010

    Put An End to Anger

    On a fine spring day, a man was driving cheerfully along a picturesque road, which winds through the lazy countryside. Suddenly, from around the next curve, a car barrels towards him in his lane. He breaks hard, and as it swerves fast, the womon driver screamed at him, “Pig! Pig!” Furious, he shouted back at her’ “Sow! Sow!” Pleased with himself he drives around the curve and runs smack into a pig. Anyone can get angry. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way is not so easy. Which is to say, most of the time we may get angry either with the wrong person, or to the wrong degree, or at the wrong time, or for the wrong purpose, or in the wrong way. But then, that’s the way it is with anger. It just happens! We can’t always “do anger right,” so ancient biblical wisdom offers an excellent solution for managing it. It teaches, “Don’t let the sun set on your anger.” Of course, problems cannot always be solved by bedtime, and deep-seated anger may take time to heal. But even anger needs an ending time. Maybe it is time to put an end to anger you have carried far too long. Today? If you’re angry at a loved one, hug that person. And mean it. You may not want to hug–which is all the more reason to do so. It’s hard to stay angry when someone shows they love you, and that’s precisely what happens when we hug each other.

    Have A Wonderful Day Ahead..

    Sunday, August 8, 2010

    Lessons For Growth

    We are unable to continue our life’s journey in peace without accepting realistically and serenely the mystery of suffering, adversity, trial, misfortune and failure. They do not rob us of joy and health, but living in constant fear of them does. “It’s not what happens, it’s how we deal with it that’s important”, so goes an old proverb. And the only way to deal with what happens is to pass through it all solemnly, calmly, with humility and faith in ourselves and in God. We cannot always have a reasonable explanation for sufferings, misfortunes and failures, but by converting stumbling blocks into stepping stones, we can make the day’s adversity into times of opportunities. All it takes is the willingness to accept whatever happens and to learn lessons that would help us to sail forward with courage and hope. Helen Keller, who became deaf and blind at the age of three, could say: “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming it.” Remember, life’s blows will only bring out what is in you. Don’t let difficulties deter you. They can help or hinder, enrich or engulf, depending on whether or not you are prepared for them. The great Greek orator and philosopher, Aristotle has said,

    “The beauty of the soul shines when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them but because he is a man of high and heroic temper.”

    Have A Great Day and Great Week Ahead